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La foto di questo “scherzo” è  stata  postata su Reddit,  ha ricevuto quasi 60mila voti e oltre 1.100 commenti.

Abbiamo selezionato alcuni commenti simpatici, anche se apparentemente inverosimili, ed altri, pro-postini, il cui fondamentale e duro lavoro è così sintetizzato:

“Né il nevischio, né la neve, né l’oscurità della notte, né stupidi scherzi impediranno il dovere del postino.”


Neither sleet nor snow nor gloom of night nor stupid pranks will impede the duty of the postman


I used to be a mailman. The best pieces of mail I ever had were: a beachball with a parcel barcode on it, a beer coaster with a stamp that was written on like a postcard, and a letter that was sent from Poland to Portugal, with no reason to ever be in the hands of the usps, that ended up auto-sorted in my route in New England.


When I was a kid in the ‘70s I sent a postcard to “Grandma” in Lake City, South Carolina. No street address.

I did put my name and state in the return address area and the mail carrier remembered she had a grandchild in Minnesota where we lived at the time, and it got to her!


John Fahey tracked down Booker White just by sending a postcard addressed to him and a town he once sang about.

Fahey and Denson found White easily enough: Fahey wrote a letter to White and addressed it to “Bukka White (Old Blues Singer), c/o General Delivery, Aberdeen, Mississippi”—presuming, given White’s song “Aberdeen, Mississippi”, that White still lived there or nearby. The postcard was forwarded to Memphis, where White worked in a tank factory. Fahey and Denson soon traveled there to meet him, and White and Fahey remained friends for the rest of White’s life.[12] He recorded a new album for Denson and Fahey’s Takoma Records, and Denson became his manager. White was at one time also managed by Arne Brogger, an experienced manager of blues musicians.


I sent my friend a pumpkin once. All I did was write directly on it and it sent.

Here is proof. It was a small pumpkin especially for making pie. My friend wanted to make a pumpkin pie from scratch but couldn’t find a pie pumpkin due to living in a small town. So I shipped one over. I made the postal worker’s day since it was so out of the ordinary. It only cost around $6 or $7.


Many years ago my friend mailed a shoe to see if they would deliver it, and they did!


I like mailing potatoes to people. Just put on the stamps, address, put it in a mailbox, and off it goes.


My friend once sent me a single, unwrapped banana, with the address written on the skin. Royal mail will send anything!


I have mailed my brother a water bottle and, my favorite, a potato.


Apparently USPS enjoyed the joke and took extra care of it. Otherwise it never would’ve made it there in 1 piece. The machines would’ve shredded it, for starters.


“Sono collezionista di francobolli da oltre 40 anni e non colleziono francobolli. La mia passione sono le lettere intere con le quali posso mostrare la storia” (Rolf –Dieter Wruck), quale migliore definizione della Storia Postale? Collezioniamo Storia postale con quella speciale caratteristica che sono le storie, in questo caso postali, quindi uniche. I francobolli sono stampati in milioni di esemplari, le storie sono uniche quanto le opere d’arte. Non solo perché è quasi impossibile che due buste abbiano gli stessi: timbri, francobolli, date di partenza transito e destinazione … diventano uniche quando raccontano proprio quella storia. Quasi impossibile anche lo scambio, tipico dei collezionisti (ce l’ho, ce l’ho, mi manca) per completare la collezione, ci si viene incontro focalizzandosi su periodi, luoghi, vie-tragitti, persone … caratteristiche cartacee e di inchiostri … diversi … così che ognuno possa approfondire ciò a cui più tiene. Siamo il contrario di chi ha il bunker con opere d’arte da ammirare tenendole solo per sé. Noi condividiamo in rete immagini, dati e informazioni di tutto questo, a volte minuscolo altre volte importante, patrimonio dell’umanità.

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